As some of you may have heard, there’s been lots of commotion about Storage Spaces Direct being dropped from Windows Server’s latest build, version 1709. When Microsoft announced this, rumors... read more →
Mead & Hunt is an engineering and architectural firm that was looking for a software-defined storage (SDS) solution for its production and disaster recovery data centers. Named one of... read more →
Mead & Hunt is an engineering and architectural firm that was looking for a software-defined storage solution for its production and disaster recovery data centers. With... read more →
For most companies, today Microsoft Exchange and SQL Server are mission-critical applications whose performance and availability impact the company’s bottom line. This was very true for YP,... read more →
Going from “classical” disaggregated IT infrastructure to a hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI) can be a scary experience. For YP, the 133-year old company that created the original Yellow Pages, an... read more →
Switching from a “published paper” marketing company to a digital marketing company has many challenges. One of the more critical challenges is developing the back-end IT infrastructure... read more →
During a storage refresh, IT administrators must be able to forecast future data center needs, analyze and possibly implement new software and/or hardware and evaluate price-performance ratio. American Logistics... read more →
As a storage architect, you are expected to be able to make the “right decisions” when it comes time to replace an aging storage area network (SAN).... read more →
Storage area networks (SANs) are like children – you don’t ever want to push them out of the house, even when they are clearly too old to stay anymore.... read more →
Making the right decision when you replace an aging storage area network (SAN) can be challenging, especially for medium-sized businesses who can’t typically afford to “do it twice”. When... read more →
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